MAGWest is Going Digital!

Greetings from the MAGWest Team!

In light of the ongoing battle against COVID-19, MAGWest 2020 will be a digital-only event. To accommodate our new needs, MAGWest is being rescheduled to Friday, October 2 through Sunday, October 4.

Our team is hard at work converting all of your favorite MAGWest staples to the digital landscape so you can enjoy the event from the safety of your own home! At digital MAGWest, you'll be able to:

  • Rock out to virtual concerts from your favorite MAG-bands!

  • Enjoy presentations, discussions, Q&A's, and more with guests!

  • Watch a 24 hour charity speedrunning stream!

  • Play games with the community in hosted and self-organized games and tournaments!

This definitely changes the way we're handling community driven content like marketplace, panels, and indie games, but we'll have details on the changes in these areas very soon!

Until then, get ready and get excited for the new virtual and safe MAGWest!